Learn to calculate without errors
Learn to calculate error-free is for primary school children and is based on the tables, which you need to know and practice. Adults practice error-free arithmetic for an assessment. Teacher education students must master it as basic knowledge for the practice of their later profession. Primary school children still learn and practice error-free arithmetic at school, and in the lower groups they still do the tables from 1 to 10.
Advanced students and future primary school teachers can practice error-free multiplication here with a range of 11 to 40 x the numbers between 20 and 40. They can also set the maximum time per multiplication from 10 to 60 seconds.
Why error-free arithmetic for primary school students?
In order to calculate error-free, you must know the multiplication tables up to 20 x 40 and be able to apply them. If you have to multiply larger numbers, for example 24 x 3200, it is wise to simplify the numbers. In this case it means that you calculate what 24 x 32 is and that is 25 x 32 = 800 (1/4 of 3200 = 800) and subtract 32 from that, leaving you with 768 and then add the 2 zeros that you first left out. The result can therefore be calculated in your head: 76,800.
In addition to this tip, there are the following tips for error-free multiplication:
Learn to calculate error-free by memorizing the tables up to 20 x 40.
If you can do it on paper, you should write down the numbers you are going to multiply in an organized manner.
Check your answer by performing the reverse operation (i.e. division instead of multiplication).
Simplify larger numbers as in the example above.

Error-free arithmetic as assessment training
Calculators can replace mental arithmetic, but you give the wrong impression if you need a calculator for simple multiplication. The opposite is also possible. If you give the result of 24 x 3200 from memory, you immediately build prestige.
It often comes down to some thinking to make multiplication easier.
Apart from that, you are not allowed to use a calculator for assessments and tests! That is why it is useful for many people to use this website to maintain their mental arithmetic.
Hoofdrekentest.nl is certainly suitable for anyone who has an assessment soon.
You can also use your laptop keyboard etc.
Have fun!